
Up North University

Bachelor's Degree Exam

Need a "degree" to hang in your hunting cabin or man cave?  Are you educated in the Northwoods?  Take our exam.  Earn your degree.

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An 80% must be scored on the exam in order to earn the UNU Bachelor's degree in Advanced Northwoods Studies.  Choose you major field of study:  Fishing, Hunting, Camping, Hiking, Snowmobiling, Kayaking, etc. 

You may then purchase your diploma.

Thanks, and good luck with your exam!


a.  Idaho
b.  Michigan
c.  Wisconsin
d.  Minnesota


a.  They spend their winters in Bora Bora
b.  The chicks ride around on their parents’ backs
c.  They are the only bird that can bark
d.  They taste like chicken


a.  Pecos Bill
b.  Buster the Big Brown Beaver
c.  Babe the Blue Ox
d.  Tonto


a.  Lake Victoria
b.  Great Slave Lake
c.  Lake Michigan
d.  Lake Superior


a.  Smallmouth Bass & Largemouth Bass
b.  Muskies, Northern Pike, and Perch
c.  Walleye, Crappies, and Bluegills
d.  All of the above


a.  Aurora Austrailis
b.  Spotlights from the grand opening of the new Kwik Trip
c.  Aurora Borealis
d.  Too much Jagermeister


a.  The traditional fish calling dance before the Walleye opener
b.  A sweat lodge used by deer hunters
c.  Ojibwa for “flatlander”
d.  A mythical green Northwoods creature with horns, fangs and claws


a.  Calzone
b.  Haggis
c.  Meat and potato pastry
d.  Pasty


a.  True
b.  False


a.  Russia
b.  England
c.  Portugal
d.  France


a.  Ypsilanti
b.  Kaukauna
c.  Peshtigo
d.  Marquette


a.  Yoopers
b.  Bunyonites
c.  Flatlanders
d.  FIBs


a.  Old Ironsides
b.  SS Minnow
c.  USS Reagan
d.  Edmund Fitzgerald


a.  Lake Itasca
b.  Lake Winnebago
c.  Lake Winnibigoshish
d.  Lake Mille Lacs


a.  New York
b.  Wisconsin
c.  Minnesota
d.  Michigan


a.  Wisconsin
b.  Indiana
c.  Ohio
d.  Michigan


a.  Mosquito Capital of the World
b.  Jewel of the North
c.  Land of 10,000 Lakes
d.  Home of Paul Bunyon


a.  Great Lakes State
b.  Pure Michigan
c.  The Beaver State
d.  Land of Hiawatha


a.  The Dairyland State
b.  Home of the Cheddarheads
c.  Cowtipping Capital of the World
d.  On, Wisconsin


a.  Brainerd, MN 
b.  Eagle River, WI
c.  Petoskey, MI
d.  Green Bay, WI


a.  Michigan
b.  Minnesota
c.  Wisconsin
d.  Illinois


a.  German Brown Trout
b.  Steelhead
c.  Coho Salmon
d.  Musky


a.  Fox Lake, IL
b.  Minocqua, WI
c.  Lake City, MN
d.  Traverse City, MI


a. Hayward, WI
b.  Bemidji, MN
c.  Ontonagon, MI
d.  Eagle River, WI


a.  Illinois
b.  Michigan
c.  Minnesota
d.  Wisconsin


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